środa, 16 listopada 2016

The brave little soldiers ....

Welcome to the gigantic break. I had no intention to go back to this blog, but for the last few days a lot of thought on this issue. The effects are such that .... I go back to writing.
Gayfriend (11:28)
Opinion comment

October 22, 2007
hmmm ...
Not long PISA, I had little time. In short, I am a student, still lonely, (ad. To you, you know that it is up to you, the word alone does not cover our,, liquid "relationship) Today, in the morning I got offered a job, tomorrow I'll see towypali months, part of that was already in August usamoielnić cheers TO READERS WHO HAVE BEEN :-)
Gayfriend (23:06)
Opinion comment

October 8, 2007
The brave little soldiers .... {'}


I have not written, I do it less and less time, also I have an excuse. Last comes to me the evil of this world and specially SMEC newinnych ... I do not want to write next will tell the rest of the town tem video

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